Monday, June 23, 2008

Family Home Evening

Us at the pool, yes I know!
Hannah LOVES to go off the diving board.
It was a little scary for me, but the smile on her face after is well worth it.

Daddy is always there, thank goodness! He is very willing to push the kids to the edge!
I would probably just make them stay right their in the baby pool!

K'Leigh jumped off the low dive with no life jacket. I was so nervous but one of my good friends was the life guard right there, Trent and I were also right their.

Look she DID IT!! She is such a good little swimmer:)
We love you so much!!


Bonnie said...

Wow! K'leigh rocks!! I don't think Kaleb is that good of a swimmer yet. I think your kids are part fish after living at Lake Powell....Lucky guys!!! Good mom...I would definitely fall off of the diving board with my baby!!

Autumn said...

Brave girls! Looks like fun!

Amy B. said...

Are you seriously dropping your baby into 12 ft. deep water? I m freeking out!! I like to keep my children fearful of things, that way they never ask to jump off the diving board before 2 yrs old.
crazy kids . Love Amy (the mom in the baby pool)

Jacci said...

dont you just LOVE summer!! I do it looks like you had fun!!