Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

(For posterity sake, this is him staying up way too late with the kids to make K'Leigh a Valentines box. He truly is the best!!!)

Happy Father's Day to the best dad in the world! He is always their when you need him!! He takes the best care of his children and me. He took days off work to take care of the kids while I was went to Girls camp, then drove with them up to see his dad. He is very involved in everything that is going on in our lives!! We love him so much and are so proud to call him dad and my loving husband!!

Happy Father's Day to all our Grandpa's, and Dad's. We love you and are very thankful for all that you guys do for our family.


Autumn said...

Happy Father's Day Uncle Trent!

Rochelle said...

Happy Fathers Day to all the great dads out there!