Monday, September 17, 2007

Hannah Takes "Candy" From Strangers

We were at daddy's football game and Hannah found our friend named "Grinder"!! He wanted her to be his friend, so the only true way to her heart is through her stomach. He thought she needed her very own nacho and then she went for my pepsi! The shirt I put on her was brand new and I had to throw it away at the end of the night! I thought it was a good trade for her to try to overcome her stanger anxiety. This was not any old friend either he is an older gentlemen, tall and got glasses. I was very excited about this hurdle we overcame!!

We are all so thankful we have this little angel in our life! We love her so much even when she is this dirty.


Autumn said...

Her sister has taught her well! You gotta really be in love to think that messy face is cute! :)