Friday, July 10, 2009

My Four Month Story

So knowing what I know now I have decided to document some struggles that our family has been going through. A lot of you already know this but I am using this as a journal once again.

Back in March I had went to the Doctor for a little cold and some perscription refills. It was going along as a normal Doctor appointment would. He had started to feel my throat and said he was a little concerned about some lumps on my throat. I told him it was from the cold and assured him I was fine. He put me on some antibiotics and allergy medication. I was told to come back in ten days and we would check them again. I followed through with that appointment and he decided to beef up the antibiotic and start me on a steriod. I kind of forgot about it after that, I was feeling good so no worries.

Then I got a real stiff neck and so back to the Doctor I was and he thought it was time for a CAT SCAN and I told him that I just had another infection and to give me an anitbiotic. He was hesitant at first but I assured him I would keep an eye on them and let him know of any changes. He said he would give me until school got out (about three weeks) then he was making me get the scan.

I went home and told Trent the story and he demanded that I get the test, I started to cry and told him I wanted to be "Izzy Stephens" and not find out about any bad things that were going on. He said that I was young I could fight anything and his Dad has fought Cancer twice and beat it. I still was fighting, I did not want my kids to see me suffer. I finally gave in and they got me in the next day.

I went to Richfield and had the CAT SCAN. It was kind of a strange thing, but I made it through. They asked me if I had a bad upper respiratory infection? I said no, just some allergies. They told us that my Doctor would have the results by that afternoon. We went home and waited...... they called right at two and told me I had to come up to the clinic and have some blood tests. They took seven tubes of blood and said hopefully these would show something.

They came back pretty much normal.

Then he sent me to the General Surgeron, my tonsils were pretty enlarged and they had something called, "Crypts." They thought they might need to come out.

I met with the Doctor and he thought we should try taking the tonsils and see what the lymph nodes would do after that.

So June 1st they took my tonsils and it was SO painful. I think that I would rather have a natural child birth again then do that again.

They sent my tonsils off to patholagy to see what they would reveal. They came back saying NO Cancer, but that they defitnly needed to come out.

So now we just wait six weeks and hope that my Lymph nodes go down.

Well they did not and on Tuesday July 7, 2009, they decided it was time for a needle Biopsy.

They set it up for July 10,2009 at Utah Valley Hospital.

We were all calm and anticipating the day. I kept it together up until the night before and it just seemed like everything I had planned for the day and what to do with kids was falling apart. So I feel apart also. Thanks to my good friend Amy Rosquist, she kept my mind busy until Trent got home from a extra long and stressful day at work.

We decided to take the kids with us and we would just make it work. Then we got there early and I thought we had time to run them to Lehi, so we call Aunt Autumn and she says to bring them to her. So we continue the drive and then we get another call saying Camry has a stomach ache and was not feeling well. So there went that idea. We turned around and went to the hospital. Then Linda called and said that she was able to meet us and watch the kids, she got there right in time.

They took me back and Trent was still getting the kids situated with his mom. They said they needed me to sit down they needed to discuss some things with me (still no Trent). They said that if this is what they thought it was they would have to operate and take the whole lymph node. I was a upset to say the least. I kept it together until Trent came in and they told him, tears just rolled down my cheeks.

They started doing the Ultrasounds and calling the Radiolgist and he would watch the Ultrasound from where ever he was. They did it together for awhile and then they decided to get my CAT Scan from Richfield, they said this could take awhile. They put us in a waiting room which it seemed like forever but I am sure it was not. Then we went in for more Ultrasounds and phone calls to the Radiolgist and then the Radiolgist decided to come down and do some more tests.

Then he said that he was unsure why the Doctor had sent me. He thinks that I have a swollen gland and that most people have them. So he recomended a repeat CAT Scan in two or three months to make sure nothing had gotten bigger and if no change we are good to go forth with a "normal" life.
We were SO relieved and HAPPY.
Thank you to all of you that have helped in any way.
Thank you for all the thoughts and Prayers.
They are truly a blessing.
Just a side note that I do not want to forget for posterity sake.
When I was all done we went outside where Linda had the kids and McKay came running over and wanted to see where they poked my neck, so I showed him my throat and he said it was normal. I said I know because they did not have to do anything.
His response was, "Mom I knew you would be okay because I prayed for you on the elevator!"
That brought tears of Joy and Happiness to my eyes. What a true sign of what FAITH my seven year old has. I know that he is a example and teacher to me.
I want my family to know how much I LOVE them and THANK them for all there support.


Mindy said...

Oh, I am so glad everything worked out! I was worried about you!!

Nan said...

Wow, I didn't know. So glad you are okay. The faith of kids is a powerful thing.

Glass House said...

I am sorry you had to deal with that! Let us know what happens with the next cat scan!